Friday, March 4, 2016

Can You Use Oil As a Moisturizer?

Well for me the answer to this question is yes! One of my favorite ways to moisturize my body after my shower is to use almond oil. Using a straight oil, like almond oil or grape seed oil, is a great way to make your skin silky smooth without worrying about putting harmful chemicals on your body. I have even used olive oil and coconut oil as moisturizers, the only difference is these two oils have a heavier scent than an oil like almond oil.


One thing you have to be careful of when using a straight oil as a moisturizer is to not put too much oil on. If you over oil your skin it will take a long time for the oil to actually sink in and you will be oily instead of soft. Not really the result we are looking for here.

A great way to portion control your oil is to follow the "less is more" rule. A little almond oil goes a long way so start with a small amount and if you need more you can put more on. Another fun thing about using oils as a moisturizer is you can scent them yourself with essential oils making your moisturizer even more good for your skin. :)

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